Tuesday, August 6, 2024

PPA Jeep with Flamethrower by Chan Jackson

Chan reports that the Meng Wasp Flamethrower Jeep was a very nice kit that went together with no issues. He painted it with Tamiya and AK paints, added figures from Evolution and Miniart along with a Monroe Perdue well.


For a bit of history: Popski's Private Army (PPA)  started as a demolition unit working in North Africa alongside the British Long Range Desert Group (LRDG.)   PPA's specialty was blowing up Afrika Korps fuel depots but was later sent to Italy to deal with Pro-fascist Italian partisans and pockets of German resistance.

After Germany's surrender, PPA was tasked with hunting down Nazi die-hards in Austria and to find Heinrich Himmler. Interesting unit to say the least.

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