Monday, August 5, 2024

Centaur CSG by Chan Jackson

 This is an older Tamiya kit based on their Cromwell kit. The Centaur was one of the first AFV's to land at Normandy.

Chan created a custom mix of paints for the tan/brown khaki using Tamiya Earth and Khaki lightened with Buff and Deck Tan. He feels it looks close to the original color but isn't totally sure about it.  Supposedly, the vehicle was tan in color...not green. 

The structure is the DioDump "Damaged French Wall" and the figures are from Miniart and Alpine and were painted with AK and Vallejo acrylics. The stowage on the vehicle is from Valur Gear and Legend

Weathering of the model was done with AK and Vallejo paints and pigments.

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