Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blizzcon 2015 Report by Jim Mesko

    Well, Blizzcon 2015 has come and gone and this year it sort of lived up to its name. There was a snowstorm but the actual drive down wasn't all that bad. Steve Heather and I left at 5 AM so we could get there to help Chris from CRM set up. Normally when we do this it takes us a little over two hours to get there, including a gas stop outside Columbus. This year it took us about 20-25 minutes longer, which is not too bad considering the weather. It sure beats the FOUR hours it took us to get back a couple of years ago!
     AMPS had a good turnout with myself, Steve, Kevin Hess, John Shimek, John Van Sickle, and Chris Davies making the trip-I think that was everyone. The show itself was a normal Blizzcon, with over 100 vendors according to the club. I understand the number of entrants was down but John Shimek took a First and Second in small scale armor so "congrats" are in order for John.
     Of course the whole show does focus around the vendors area and there were tons of deals to be had. As usual Chris Merseal from CRM was there with the latest in kits, figures, accessories,books, magazines, and tools. Steve bought a load of "Value Gear" stuff and I picked up some neat figures, magazines, and accessories. We didn't leave the rest of the vendors unattended, either. I got my usual "French Connection" stuff with a French M-24 from AFV Club and a Hasegawa AU-1 Corsair in Aero-Naval markings. Lots of other stuff was available at pretty good prices and we saw lots of guys walking around loaded down armfuls of cool stuff.
     We broke for lunch at Applebee's and met Dean from Depot along with Mike, John S, and Steve and myself. A good meal and great conversation but we had to break a little earlier then usual so John could make it back to a National Guard meeting. Afterwards we made one last sweep at the show before heading up to Hobby Land on High Street. As usual the store had its normal selection of merchandise with a lot of Trumpeter armor marked down and new magazines. We were back on the road by 2 PM and made it back to my place by 4:30. Not too bad considering the dire weather predictions which caused a lot of people to cancel prematurely. Unfortunately, on the way back John Shimek had to avoid an idiot driver and damaged his Jeep and John Van Sickle hit some black ice and damaged his car, but fortunately neither were hurt.
     Overall the show was another success for the Columbus chapter. Blizzcon has been going on for a long time and every year helps alleviate the winter modeling doldrums. This year it sort of lived up to its name but in reality was not that difficult a drive. Graham Holmes and the Columbus chapter deserve a round of applause for their continued efforts to improve modeling and sponsoring such events as this and the upcoming IPMS Nationals in July. They are what IPMS is all about and modelers in Region Four should be thankful we have them and the other IPMS clubs that put on events that we can all go to and enjoy. I understand that this is the last year the show will be held at this location since the site is to be torn down according to reports. Supposedly there are several sites relatively close by that are being considered for next year but as of now nothing has been decided as far as I know. We can only hope that Blizzcon continues on in the tradition we have come to look forward too.

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